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TestNG – how to run the same method at the end of each test

I have something like: and I would like to move Assert.assertFalse(errorsExists()) to BaseTestCase or to TestListener so I will not have to pass it every time at the end of the test. I tried to move it to TestsListener to onFinish but method errorsExists() requires driver and I have problems to get it in there. Update: I want to method

Determine the Object (book) that appears first alphabetically

I was tasked with creating my own linked list class, using a book class i made. One of the questions was to Determine the book that appears first alphabetically. i was able to sort the Linked list alphabetically using bubble sort(i know its not efficient but im still new) here is the code. my problem is i only want the

Getting the Activity inside Adapter in Android

I am trying to access the activity on which my Imageview is, so I can use the URL of an Image of type SVG and display it to the user using the GlideToVectorYou library. But when I try to get access to the activity using R.layout.activityname, a syntax error appears. this is the code that I’m using Thank you! Answer

ClassCastException being encountered even with correctly imported or assigned classes

I am receiving a ClassCastException randomly/intermittently. I already tried clearing and invalidating my local caches, doing an mvn clean install and depedency reimports. Still the issue persist. It also exist on the deployment of my microservice to aws. My directory structure is as follows. This BopAccountType (see screenshot) classes are the same with casa directory in terms of structure of

Sort list of strings as BigDecimal in reverse order in Java

I need to sort list of strings comparing them as BigDecimal. Here is what I tried: Can I somehow do this without explicitly specifying the types? Answer You can do it like this. prints You could also do it like this but need to declare the type parameter as a String. But here is the way I would recommend doing
