I have a little problem with mysql + hibernate. in the database I have: I don’t have any record of January 13th 2023 if I perform a query to get this information of the January 14th 2023, in the code I get this: I don’t know why if in the database I have 14-jan-23 in the code I get: 13-jan-23
Android studio webview does not allow cors
I creating a android application and i want to load data from my server but if i load the data i get a “TypeError: Failed to fetch”. I have tried many ways. I also tried just to load google.com inside the webpage and it also doesn’t work. All my files: Main_actifity.xml MainActivity.java AndroidManifest.xml I was expecting to load data from
Can Java handle 10 Thread pool at the same time
I have a Java Application which handles different region for example 10 regions. Each region have different number of tasks. I encounter a problem is that one particular region (Region A) have lots of tasks and the processing time of each task for that region is very long. Therefore, if I use a Single Thread Pool, and tasks of all
SpringBoot ManyToOne saving to database issue – getting error: Field ‘user_id’ doesn’t have a default value
My situation is this: I am creating a marketplace where users can buy and sell products. I am trying to list a product with a ManyToOne relationship with the logged in user. I am getting the error: Field ‘user_id’ doesn’t have a default value. Im guessing this is because I haven’t set the user_id but I’m not sure how to.
Generic method to return function returning generic self-type without the need to cast
Honestly, I’m not even sure whether that title makes sense. Hopefully the code following will explain the issue at hand. My issue is with the two methods applySimpleBound() and applyBoundWithGenericType(). The former is compiling fine, but needs explicit casting, which is what I’d like to get rid of. The later does not compile, because .apply(this) requires a type SELF but
Remove a part of string based on its given length with replaceAll in Java
I know that there are different ways to solve this task, but I need a particular way using replaceAll() method. I just stuck with right condition in the expression. So I have a method like this: The case is next: I pass to the method some comments and max length of comment. The method should take list of comments and
Save Excel Data in Database in Spring boot
I have some excel files which i need to upload and save all the content in database. In my excel files sometimes some column which is not mandatory is not present but in cases where it is mandatory it will be present So How can i handle this situation single spring boot controller which run in all these 3 excel
Why many people say that flatmap in reactor is one-to-many?
I’ve read that wonderful answer about the difference between map and flatMap. And there is a picture that demonstrates flatmap: And quote: The map is for synchronous, non-blocking, one-to-one transformations while the flatMap is for asynchronous (non-blocking) One-to-Many transformations. Based on that picture and quote I understand that flatMap allows the creation of more (or fewer) elements than it was
NoSuchBeanException: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. But only on one class during MockBean?
There’s this weird problem. I’m currently testing two repository classes that I plan to use as MockBean. The snippets of the code are as follows: For ClassARepoHibernate For ClassBRepoHibernate Now then, on the testing class, I put this up: When I run this test, it gives out this error before even going to the breakpoint if I debug: This confuses
Heroku process crashing as soon as the process starts
I have a simple Micronaut server I am trying to launch on Heroku by building it with a heroku.yml but for some reason when I check the logs the process exits as soon as it starts. The docker image runs just fine locally and nothing else prints out in the logs so I can’t find out why. Here is my