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android : Check EditText is null

i want to check and give condition to my edittext, if i input something to my edittext, l it will change my imageview, this is my code: i have problem here, my imageview not change…. is this code has true or not? Answer If I read your post correctly, you want to check if the EditText is ever empty as

Security Framework for Java Swing Applications

Is there a security Framework available for Java Desktop Applications? When I searched on google I saw persons talking about Spring Security, however it seems to be chiefly web-based. I have been using ordinary java code(Login forms, jdbc) to implement User Level security but I am not comfortable programming this way. Thanks for your assistance Answer I have decided to

If without else ternary operator

So far from I have been searching through the net, the statement always have if and else condition such as a ? b : c. I would like to know whether the if ternary statement can be used without else. Assuming i have the following code, i wish to close the PreparedStatement if it is not null (I am using

Override generic method with more narrow parametrization

What I have: I have a generic method which I want to override: What I want: There will be few classes that extend C-class and narrow parametrization. Example: Question: How can I achieve that? EDIT: Class C has many heirs: D, F, G, H… Each of those classes has the single method f(T param). And for each of those method

Java Array of unique randomly generated integers

I have a method above which should generate an array of random elements that the user specifies. The randomly generated integers should be between 0 and 10 inclusive. I am able to generate random integers but the problem I have is checking for uniqueness. My attempt to check for uniqueness is in my code above but the array still contains

Running jacocoReport

I’m using Gradle 1.7 and Jacoco plugin. My project uses Java and Scala plugins. When I run gradlew -i clean jacocoTestReport Report is not created and I see in the log What does it mean? Why report is not created? Answer The task will only run if coverage data is available. You can make sure of that by also running

Where is the best place to begin transaction using Hibernate in a tired web application with Struts 2?

I got this Java web application which uses Struts 2 and Hibernate. In the most upper layer comprises of the Struts 2 action classes. Then there are my business logic classes which are responsible for the logic of the application. Finally there is a DAO layer (called Database Bridge) which is responsible for communicating with the database. Currently I open
