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Creating a border with System.out.println()

Is there anyway to create this sort of arrangement, without the String variable sh3 affecting the border? I’m really stumped here, my Java knowledge is pretty much limited to what you see here if that helps? Answer I know I am not providing the code for this, but I am pointing to the process of thinking and then leaving implementation

How to create an object of subclass in java?

I am trying to create an object of subclass which is not static in the main, but not able to do. Does anyone tried the same? Answer or in your case You need the instance of the parent class to create instance of inner non-static class.

Java Knight’s Tour Homework [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn’t work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I am having some problems with this

Struts2 jQuery UI dynamic Menu from Action List

How can I generate dynamic menu & menu items from a list generated at Action? I tried this approach but it is generating only main menu but not sub-menus. Action class: JSP: What can i do to get Menu with menu items? Example classes structure: How to configure this in JSP page with sj:menu tag? Answer The <sj:menu> tag generates

How to transfer data from one activity to another in android

It might sound simple but I can’t make it working. I have two activities. Which first one is a form, and second one is showing data from a JSON file based on values entered in the first activity. So I am trying to make a simple version of it. I have a EditText, and a button, so when they press

how to add button click event in android studio

So I have done some research, and after defining you button as an object by the code here is my problem then your OnClick() event… Problem: When I type in the “this”, it says: I have no idea why? here is the code from the .java file Answer SetOnClickListener (Android.View.view.OnClickListener) in View cannot be applied to (com.helloandroidstudio.MainActivity) This means in

Convert Decimal to Hex using Recursive method Java

I need to make a recursive method that converts a decimal into hexadecimal. I can’t use Integer.toHexString. EDIT:I tried this code but it doesn’t work properly Edit: Changed the default case and the if (n == 0) loop return statement and it works beautifully now. new code: Answer The problem is in your default clause: it should read: That will
