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Category: Questions

Throwing own exceptions

I have this class Account Now I also have this exception that I wrote Now I need to throw this exception in the class account,when the searched account number does not exist.Now my question is in which method(or function I think that is the same,please correct me if I’m wrong) do I throw this exception.And after what check.How would I

Trying to mock IntConsumer with Mockito fails

I’m trying to mock IntConsumer: and it fails on the ‘verify’ with below error code: Method threw ‘org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException’ exception. Cannot evaluate $java.util.function.IntConsumer$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$3ee084c4.toString() Answer You need to tell Mockito what method it is supposed to verify on the IntConsumer mock. Your verification code should look something like: See for example the tutorial at Baeldung.

Why can ‘CURRENT_DATE’ not as a parameter when using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate in JAVA?

In mysql,I use this sql and it runs well. select * from student where CREATE_TIME>=DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 24 HOUR) Now I want to use the date as a parameter,SO I use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate,If I pass the date like ‘2020-05-30’,it also runs well.But when I pass ‘CURRENT_DATE’ or ‘curdate()’,it could not search any result.How to change my code? Answer It doesn’t work, because the

Thymeleaf – output variable without a tag

I use Thymeleaf as a templating engine and I usually output variable value like this: in Java I set: and in html template I output: This works great, but I would like to output a variable without the need of a tag. Something following would be great: Unfortunately it does not work. My goal is to avoid unnecessary tag to
