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Tag: apache-kafka-streams

The Kafka topic is here, a Java consumer program finds it, but lists none of its content, while a kafka-console-consumer is able to

It’s my first Kafka program. From a kafka_2.13-3.1.0 instance, I created a Kafka topic poids_garmin_brut and filled it with this csv: And at anytime now, before or after running the program I’ll show, its content can be displayed by a kafka-console-consumer command: Here is the Java program, based on org.apache.kafka:kafka-streams:3.1.0 dependency, extracting this topic as a stream: But, while the

How to split message into more messages

if I have a kstream with KVs like <String, List<myobject>> that I obtained from a KStream groupby + aggregate, is there a way to split each of the values of the List<> to get individual messages like <String, myobject>? I was hoping for something like flattening a list that would return individual messages with the same key, but I couldn’t

Serde String[] in Kafka

I’m new in kafka. I am using the store builder and want to have a String[] of two elements as the value associated to the key. I set up the store like this: When I call the method to have the data into the store : I receive this error: I should set the store like this: but I don’t

2 consecutive stream-stream inner joins produce wrong results: what does KStream join between streams really do internally?

The problem setting I have a stream of nodes and a stream of edges that represent consecutive updates of a graph and I want to build patterns composed of nodes and edges using multiple joins in series. Let’s suppose I want to match a pattern like: (node1) –[edge1]–> (node2). My idea is to join the stream of nodes with the

To close or to not close RocksDB Cache and WriteBufferManager in kafka streams app

I am currently playing around with a custom RocksDB configuration in my streams app by extending RocksDBConfigSetter interface. I see conflicting documentation around closing cache & writeBufferManager instances. Right now, I see that the javadoc & one of the documentation page suggests that we need to close all the instances that extend RocksObject (both Cache & WriteBufferManager instances extend this
