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Refactor Java Program [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Problem: I have list of houses in an Array. I need to make sure atleast one list consist of only

2 HashMaps VS HashMap contain Pair

During the development of the service, I have a problem where I need to choose one of two solutions use 2 hashmaps use one hash map containing a pair of values. Currently I have an option with 2 …

Jenkins pipelines trigger one after another

Can we execute one pipeline from Jenkins and trigger another pipeline with inputdata from previous pipeline? If Yes, will you please provide me how? Answer Yes, you can do that. Let’s say there are two pipeline i.e. jobA and jobB. Let us assume jobA is the upstream pipeline for jobB i.e. jobB will be called or build by jobA with

String to JSONObject troubles

Is the first time I have to make this and I think I’m going to the wrong side. I trying to pass my String to a JSONObject but it’s nothing working. My code is this: The locationObj value after: (The code continue like a String and I don’t know why) The class I’m going to use to map later is

Sudoku Backtracking with Solution Counter

Background I’ve implemented a sudoku-solver algorithm (backtracking) that looks like this: This solution is working fine (it can solve sudokus). What I try to achieve I now want to achieve that the algorithm tells me, whether there is only one solution or more solutions. What I’ve tried I tried to achieve my goal, by changing the return type to an

How to make title background transparent on android app

There is an issue in the follow Android App where guidance is greatly appreciated. This application is to support a Renesas RX130 microcontroller and Texas Instrument CC2650 Bluetooth Low Energy hardware demonstration design. In the initial device scanning page the tile has a bright red background as shown below. The tool bar has a Purple to Red gradient background. Question:
