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Category: Questions

How can you find out from spring cloud function that the connection you established to the database is closed?

In a spring cloud function usage, you don’t want your database connection to keep existing in the database. Once the spring cloud function finishes its process, is the following way to close the function appropriate? How do we validate if the spring cloud function inherently closes the connection even if we don’t do the implementation above? I saw the log

how to configure joptionpane with no button to dispose()?

i would like to display a message while initialisation of data using a dialog. But it does’t want to close and I can’t see what is wrong with this code : Thank you Answer This… is wrong. Once the dialog is made visible, it will wait till it’s closed before continuing the flow of execution, it’s one of the neat

DAO design pattern: where should the database access be implemented?

I am building a Java application that uses a database and I’m using a DAO design pattern: in my code, all objects classes have an associated DAO class that implements an interface with get, save and update methods. For instance, for a User object, I will have the following class (ConnectionDB implements the connection to the database): Here is the

Problem sending the type date with Angular

When I add the date to Spring from Angular, Spring save the day before instead the date that I insert. When I tried on postman everything works so the problem is when Angular send the data. My code on Spring model is: in my controller: In my component.html: I really can’t figure out why, thanks a lot who gonna reply

Batch consumer camel kafka

I am unable to read in batch with the kafka camel consumer, despite following an example posted here. Are there changes I need to make to my producer, or is the problem most likely with my consumer configuration? The application in question utilizes the kafka camel component to ingest messages from a rest endpoint, validate them, and place them on

Tinylog Android, is it possible to clear the file?

I’m using the Tinylog library with the “rolling file” function to write logs to a file. Sometimes I need to clear a file. Tried to do it with normal Java methods but it breaks the file and makes it hard to read. Is there a way to clear the log file at any point so it doesn’t break? Answer You
