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Tag: spring-cloud-function

How can you find out from spring cloud function that the connection you established to the database is closed?

In a spring cloud function usage, you don’t want your database connection to keep existing in the database. Once the spring cloud function finishes its process, is the following way to close the function appropriate? How do we validate if the spring cloud function inherently closes the connection even if we don’t do the implementation above? I saw the log

An “Error creating bean with name ‘functionBindingRegistrar'” exception every time I start my application

I have a normal spring cloud stream application that simple reads data from Kafka topic and produces messages to another Kafka topic, please find below the configurations: And the following application.proeprties And below is the signature of all defined spring cloud functions Everything works fine, and the application starts and functions as it should, however, in the logs I encounter

Azure spring boot function-how to pass trigger and input binding both to handleRequest method at same time?

getting below exception when I create tuple of Http trigger and blobinput and send it to handleRequest.. [2021-08-20T09:53:12.816Z] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: At the moment only Tuple-based function are supporting multiple arguments [2021-08-20T09:53:12.818Z] at I need to send both inputs to handleRequest method… any clue how to achieve that? Answer Spent some time and the only way I could achieve that what you
