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Tag: visual-studio-code

Browse referenced Java libraries in VS Code

I have VS Code set up with the Java Extension Pack. In the JAVA PROJECTS section of the sidebar I can see the files in my project as well as the referenced .jar files. The last time I used VS Code for Java development (some months ago), I could browse the source code of the referenced libraries, but now nothing

How to use global arguments for Java in vscode?

I am trying to setup my JavaFX enviroment so I referenced the corresponding Jars. In order to run the code I need to use some VM Arguments (“vmArgs”: ” –module-path /Users/adrif/Downloads/javafx-sdk- –add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml”) in the launch.json. I am working in a multi-project folder so every time a make a new one I have to go to the launch.json and add

Visual Studio Code Java Project export location

I’m using Visual Studio Code with the Java Extension Pack for a java application. As you can see in the image above, the downwards facing arrow button exports my project to a Jar, which is saved to the project folder. Is there an option anywhere I can set the export location, or post-build events where I can copy the jar

Setting GCP environment variable in Spring boot with vs code

I’m trying to set up GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS but keep getting this error The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credential I have defined in my application properties: Added the dependency in the pom file: Tried to do
