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Tag: visual-studio-code

vscode – Could not fetch model of type ‘GradleProject’ using Gradle distribution ‘’

I was trying to build a gradle project but it returned with an error: I’m using vscode for this I saw some questions similar to this but they were about android studio, and I couldn’t find anything else about it. Thanks for any help. Answer the issue has been resolved on github:, apparently it’s because of onedrive

how to set JDK in UBUNTU-20.04 using VSCODE?

I am having problem with vscode and jdk, I use it in windows with many configs, but with ubuntu, It brings me this error: Everything is ok with jdk-default on vscode bash terminal. jdk bin: jdk version: but, if I try to found a $JAVA_HOME on terminal, it returns empty.. I do not know more what can I do… already

Vs code terminal issue

When I tried to run java code in visual studio code, the terminal is throwing an error PowerShell terminated with exit code:4294901760 I have searched all queries but nothing is relatable. Answer You need to install java in VS-Code. To do so you can just search “java” in the extensions search bar. after that you will see an extension called

VSCode Java Debugger throwing unknown error

I had to re-install VSCode on my machine after an issue I was having, and after having done so, I can no longer run my Spring application. There is no error code, thrown, I can’t find it in the VSCode logs, and the dialog isn’t even copyable. This is the error dialog displayed: The launch.json configuration was auto-generated by Spring

How to pass key/value pairs into JUnit test when clicking VSCode “Run Test” codelens

We set several key/value pairs in our file. (eg LOGIN_UID, LOGIN_PWD) We can successfully reference them in our build.gradle (eg $LOGIN_UID) and our JUnit tests (eg System.getProperty(“LOGIN_UID”) when running gradle test from the cmdline. However when clicking on a Run Test codelens within a JUnit’s Java file within VSCode are not passed in. Guessing the Gradle test task

Add tests to java classpath vscode

This is my current setup: I want to be able to run the tests, but VSCode doesn’t detect them: I have tried creating the following .classpath, but still doesn’t work: I can run the test in the terminal using: Answer Update: There is another more convenient approach: You can configure the classpath of your project if it is a project
