Hi there I’m new to GUIs in Java and was trying to make a splash screen or an image appear for 3 seconds. Then after that it it will go onto my main program. Does anyone have an ideas how to do this or can link me to any tutorials? So far I have done this but not sure where
Tag: user-interface
Updating the JavaFx Gui with threads and or Tasks
I am creating a chat program that contains a GUI that I have created in the new version of the JavaFx Scene builder. I have a main method that extends application and i have a simpleController (that controls all the buttons, labels, anchorPanes, etc) in my GUI. Other than that, I have a server application that can receive and send
Tab key navigation in JavaFX TextArea
How do I make hitting the Tab Key in TextArea navigates to the next control ? I could add a listener to cath de key pressed event, but how do I make te TextArea control to lose it focus (without knowing the next field in the chain to be focused) ? Answer This code traverse focus if pressing TAB and
What GUI libraries are the JetBrains using?
Background I am somewhat new to Java and am enjoying using IntelliJ IDE developed by the JetBrains team. I have downloaded the source for the Community Edition, and I am trying to work out what GUI libraries they are using to get the look-and-feel. Question What libraries (if any) are they using to get the non-native tabs, toolbars and breadcrumb
Refresh elements of GUI in java
I’m new to GUIs in java. For example, I need to update just 1 element (e.g., JLabel). In Tkinter I would use something like root.update() or root.update_idletasks(). I wonder if a similar simple function exists in for applications made with swing. I’ve tried gui_element.SetVisible(false) and gui_element.SetVisible(true) and similar stuff, but not very successfully. I suspect something with javax.swing.Timer should work,
how do i use an image in java gui
Hi im making a Gui programme using a null layout and a setBounds() method for lay out . In the programme I want 25 strings printed out on the screen in random locations . I know that i could do this with a for loop however i have been trying this to no avail. I have been trying this and
Array de-serialization in a Java GUI problems
now I need some help with Serializing my arraylist. Now I have managed to get the serializing aspect working (I think at least), now my problem lays with de-serializing the object. I am making a small address book program. I have a comboBox that stores the addresses with three textboxes above where the user enters: name, address, and phone number.
Is Java’s Swing really a “memory hog”?
I frequently hear that Java’s Swing toolkit is considered a “memory hog” (such as this answer). Is this… A due to Swing’s architecture; B inherent in Java’s memory management; or C an unfounded claim that stems from a lack of understanding how memory allocation works (e.g. just because the Task Manager says an application has allocated x MB, it does
make a JLabel wrap it’s text by setting a max width
I have a JLabel which has a lot of text on it. Is there a way to make the JLabel have a max width so that it will wrap the text to make it not exceed this width? Thanks Answer No. You can use HTML in the label, but then you must hard code the break tag. A better approach
Why does my icon handling code throw a NullPointerException?
I have added an image for my button,but when I run that frame this exception will be thrown .why?please help me. line 138: line91: I use this poor checking (Peter Lang recommended)which is:System.out.println(getClass().getResource(“/Images/yahoo_1.gif”)); and it returns null,why? please help me. Answer This means, that getClass().getResource(“/Images/yahoo_1.gif”) returns null. JavaDoc states that this happens if the resource could not be found or