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Tag: unit-testing

when unit testing controller i’m getting an assertion error

i have created a basic CRUD api with spring boot.I have written test cases for the controller class,but i’m getting error when running the test. The code’s i tried is given Below model CrudController CrudControllerTest Error I’m Getting for POST api test Delete Api test case Error java.lang.AssertionError: Status expected:<200> but was:<404> Expected :200 Actual :404 I’m failing in the

Add tests to java classpath vscode

This is my current setup: I want to be able to run the tests, but VSCode doesn’t detect them: I have tried creating the following .classpath, but still doesn’t work: I can run the test in the terminal using: Answer Update: There is another more convenient approach: You can configure the classpath of your project if it is a project

Null pointer exception when using Mockito to mock interface

I’m using Mockito to test the following method: Here is my test: But I keep getting NullPointerExeption for this line: ValueProducerFactory is an Interface and the createValueProducer method signature is as follows: I have a class named CachingValueProducerFactory that implements the interface It seems like using Collections.emptyList() in the test is the problem, but I don’t see any other solution

MockitoException when trying to mock java.lang.System

I have a test case that mock a static method of java.lang.System class: But when I run the test, I got this error: org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: It is not possible to mock static methods of java.lang.System to avoid interfering with class loading what leads to infinite loops Why does this happen? How can I mock methods of java.lang.System class? Answer While Mockito

Write unit test for jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() method

I have jdbcTemplate code, on which I am trying to write a unit test case. But the problem is I am unable to cover the full code. I am able to cover till: try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(“update query”, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ Test code snippet Please help. Answer Here the difficulty is that the new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ …} instance that contains the main logic that you

parameterized test constructor of junit java error message: Test class should have exactly one public zero-argument constructor

I can really use some help with this parameterized test case I am trying to create. No matter what kind of constructor I create the IDE gives an error message. Here is my code: I have tried different ways of creating a 1 parameter, 2, and no parameter constructors. But I have never seen this type of issue or what
