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Tag: ssl

Spring boot / Java, mongodb SSL / TLS connectivity

I have two projects where I use spring boot + mongodb. In one project the spring boot version is 1.4.1.RELEASE and other project is 2.1.3.RELEASE. I have certificate(s), key in PEM format to onboard into truststore and keystore – One server certificate chain and other a client certificate and private key. I programmatically load the certificates into truststore and keystore.

Trusted SSL certificate showing as self signed

I have a trusted TLS certificate deliverd by DigiCert that I’m trying to use in a java/spring application exposing rest apis. I created a .p12 file with openssl doing the following : openssl pkcs12 -export -in mycertificate.cer -certfile mycertificate_INTERMEDIATE.cer -inkey myprivate_key.key -out myCert.p12 I am able to use this file in my application to access the app through https with

RabbitMQ Connection reset Exception

I have the same issue from this question: RabbitMQ Connection reset. My code is in kotlin and from I have RabbitMQ configured this way: I tested this: and getting result in cmd: RabbitMQ log (1 attempt to connect): And exception, it’s coming from line with “val connection = connectionFactory.newConnection()” When I try to check TLS support in Erlang SSL handshake aborted:

I’m getting the following error while trying to run on devices below android lollipop and it is working really well for version above lollipop. this is my method to register the user: My volley singleton looks like this: and my app config file looks like this: Can anyone help me solve this issue? Error: SSL handshake aborted: Answer

Java 11 SSLHandshakeException with TLS 1.3: How do I revert to TLS 1.2?

My application is a form of “web scraper” which loads the HTML from a desired input page using the Java Jsoup library. I recently upgraded my application platform from Java 8 to Java 11. With this upgrade, I have received several reports from my clients saying that they receive SSLHandshakeExceptions while trying to load the HTML content of certain webpages.

Android app client Mutual TLS with java server

I’m trying to send https requests to my server using mutual TLS. The server I got working successfully with TLS. But I can’t figure out how to do this on the client-side (Android app). I use spring on the java server. Requests from android app are made using HttpsUrlConnection(). I managed to be able to call HttpsUrlConnection() this how my

How to fix “ TLS Server certificate issued after 2019-04-16 and anchored by a distrusted legacy Symantec root CA”

I got the exception below while connecting to a MQTT Server with Java and self signed certificates. I used VeriSign-Class 3-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem as cacert.pem. The code is for an Linux server but currently I’m programming it on IntelliJ IDEA. The output is: I tried to connect to the server with MQTT.fx (Windows program) and it worked. Hope you can help me.
