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Tag: spring

The increment size of the sequence is set to [50] in the entity mapping while the associated database sequence increment size is [1]

I’m following the Learn Spring 5 etc on udemy and I’m at the part where we test our application. Everything worked fine till now, i was able to connect to the postgreSQL database and all but now I’m stuck at this test failing since 2 days. I don’t understand what is causing the Test to fail. The application run but

Assigning name to a object

I am looking for a way to assign/set a filename to a object. The object does not have a function available to do this. The getFileName method in my case returns a null. I do not want to create a multipartfile from the Resource object since my Open API spec does not accept it. Answer I achieved it like

Deploy WAR to Tomcat (Spring Boot + Angular)

I am trying to deploy the Spring Boot Application with WAR packaging to Tomcat 10. The application gets deployed successfully, however, when I try to access the endpoints it results in 404 Not Found. WAR File: application.war Tomcat webapps/application folder consists of following and index.html (Angular) have <base href=”/”> As discussed here, I have added a class AppServletInitializer which extends

Spring authentication using ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider and embedded ldif

one of my clients requirement was to authenticate users against his corporate ActiveDirectory (LDAP). So I used standard ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider and it works like a charm. Problem is that clients AC is hidden behind firewall. It works after deployment, but I cannot reach AC during local development due to cleints security policy. So, I had an idea that maybe for dev

Are Java classes in Spring automatically a @Bean?

If I create some classes, can I automatically @Autowire those classes somewhere else without using the @Bean, @Component, @Service? Or if I want to @Autowire a class somewhere else, do I need to use the annotations described before? I want to @Autowire a class to another that uses the @Configuration and @ComponentScan annotation For example: or to achieve this.. Answer
