Hello when trying to use spring-redis i am getting exception when doing any connection operation using redis. My config method goes like this Please suggest if anyone knows why i am getting this exception. Answer After wasting almost one day and finding that the jar is already on my class path, i further debugged it and found that when java’s
Tag: spring
spring boot starter security post methods not working
I have added spring ‘spring-boot-starter-security’ to existing spring boot project ; after that the post methods in spring rest controller not working properly it shows a error something like this : my controller method is this: pom file: if i remove all these security related stuff the code is working great . Is there any thing wrong in my configuration
Externalizing the location of logback.xml in Spring Boot using application.properties
How can I customize the location of logback.xml in Spring Boot using application.properties? I tried below but is not working. application.properties It is working if the logback.xml is located in the resource folder, but not working if it is located outside the project. It is also working if the I supply as an environment variable like Answer Below construct worked
Apache Camel bean parameter binding issue with Spring DSL
I am running into a strange issue with Apache Camel and Spring DSL. Here is an excerpt of my Spring defined route: Everything works fine up until the last line that I posted. The extractDocumentRootOid(Exchange exchange) java method is executed and the result is stored to the documentRootOid header. The getOrganizationByOid(Exchange exchange, String oid) java method is executed and the
Spring Data Rest – Soft Delete
I’ve been using spring data rest without any problem but now I have a requirement that when a user performs a DELETE operation on a given entity i.e. DELETE /accounts/<id> I need to set a flag on the database marking that entity as deleted but i do want to keep the record. Basically this means that I need to do
PostgreSQL throws “Connection has been abandoned” -> “An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend”
I know that there are a lot of topics about abandoned connections , however I can’t figure out what is the problem in my case, so I really hope for some help. I have a Java application with Spring, which fetches some data from external services, and tries to save it in database. I have the following configuration for JDBC
Spring Batch restart persistent jobs after abnormal termination
I have a following Spring Batch Job config: I’m starting the job with a following code: This is my test tasklet: I use H2 database as a persistent storage for my jobs. During the jobs execution I’m terminating my application. Right after application restart I expect that all uncompleted jobs will continue execution from terminated steps but nothing happens. Also,
How to suppress violations in PMD?
When I run a PMD analysis I receive violation: Each class should declare at least one constructor This violation is on a Spring controller. This controller is instantiated by Spring, so I shouldn’t need to invoke this class. What is recommended way of ignoring this violation? According to this doc can use //NOPMD but I just want to ignore specific
Spring – No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread – cannot reliably process ‘persist’ call
I get this error when trying to invoke “persist” method to save entity model to database in my Spring MVC web application. Can’t really find any post or page in internet that can relate to this particular error. It seems like something’s wrong with EntityManagerFactory bean but i’m fairly new to Spring programming so for me it seems like everything
javax.servlet.ServletException: Not running on Jetty, JSR-356 support unavailable
I am facing a problem while deploying a war on to tomcat instance, Tomcat version details, POM Dependency : I have created a war using maven plugin and tried to deploy on tomcat 7. I was able to deploy but unable to start the webapp. When I find the logs for it, it gave below stacktrace, Any help would be