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Tag: spring-mvc

Spring Boot Application won’t start (IllegalStateException could not evaluate condition on DevToolsDataSourceAutoConfiguration)

I’ve tried to start my Spring Boot Application using IntelliJ. However, I cannot seem to make it work no matter whatever solutions I tried to implement to fix it. I believe it has something to do with spring.autoconfigure package, yet the root problem remains a mystery to me. I am trying to take advantage of both Maven Multi Module System

Non-html methods Spring MVC

There is a Spring MVC app. I need to track Put, Patch and Delete form methods. I use java configuration, so there is that file instead of web.xml: Last method registers HiddenHttpMethodFilter. So where is the problem? There are 2 pages: index.html and show.hmtl. First page is shown when URL is “/files”. Second page is shown when URL is “/files/{id}”.

Getting an exception when tried to implement Azure AD authentication and authorization in Spring Boot

I receive the following error: Even though I’ve provided the client ID in I followed the following link: POM: MAIN: CONTROLLER APPLICATION.PROPERTIES I updated my POM with The new error after updating POM: I’ve updated my POM, now it is building fine, but on login I’m getting AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match

No Mapping for GET /WEB-INF/jsp/login.jsp

Please find this project on GITHUB as studentsbooks I am getting errror as below, even after following a proper tutorial. Kindly guide where i am going wrong. Feel free to clone the project. Committed Just now. Answer I created a class InsertInitialData class annotated as @Component and used WebApplicationContext with autowired annotation. Thymeleaf uses context to get initialized please find

How to wire classes and objects in SpringBoot

Have SpringBoot Java app with different classes. I am not able to inject the dependencies and initialize/access the object of one class into another . Have seen the spring doc and used the annotations (@component,@Autowired etc. ), still there is an issue. following are the classes. Main Class () Controller class RequestToken Class now eventhough , I have all annotation

Getters and setters for List in Spring boot

I am creating my API in Spring Boot. I have that a product is composed of components: Here is my code: (Entity Layer) } My Question: In the controller class should I change the update method to be as follows, to have the following code, product.addProduct(myComponent) or should I have it as follows: product.setProductComponents((Component) myProduct.getProductComponents()): or is there a better
