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How to check if timestamp between two timestamps postgres?

I am working on a spring api where I am using postgres and saving a field of type timestamp with field name as created_date. Now I want to check whether this field is between two different timestamps.

Right now I am using this:

 select *
from your_table
where created_date >= '2020-06-22 19:10:25-07'
and created_date < '2020-06-23 19:10:25-07'

Is there a way I can use BETWEEN here for this operation?



You can do it like this:

FROM  your_table
WHERE created_date BETWEEN '2020-06-22 19:10:25-07'
AND '2020-06-23 19:10:25-07'

If you want to do it using JDBC, check this answer and this answer.
