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Tag: spring-boot

Field … in … a bean of type ‘service’ that could not be found

I’m trying to use an object which is in an external library, but when I use the @Autowired property, it is not found by the application. The main application has the following annotations: In the I have a class that calls the object of the dependency, called MailService, in this way: Here is the problem, this mailService object is

how to call class parameter inside the for loop?

Problem:Cannot call the class parameter inside the for loop statement Implementation:I need to call this class inorder my rest api list will function and will show all the data. Problem:Cannot call the class parameter inside the for loop statement Implementation:I need to call this class inorder my rest api list will function and will show all the data. Answer productEntity2

Java Stripe : How to Complete an “Incomplete” Payment

I’m using PaymentIntent to make a payment. I specify the customer that has all the billing info, but the payment is specified as “Incomplete”, I checked this STRIPE API Payment Intent incomplete payment that says I need an integration using Stripe.js where I can fill my card info. Is there any way I let the payment access the customer info,

Spring suddenly has cyclic dependencies after switching to new version

A maven project has spring-boot-starter-parent as its parent. I just switched the version from 2.3.1.RELEASE to 2.6.7. Suddenly, the springboot application that uses this project has cyclic dependencies with this error: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcAutoConfiguration$EnableWebMvcConfiguration ┌─────┐ | com.mycompany.spring.logging.configuration.InterceptorConfiguration (field com.mycompany.spring.logging.RequestInterceptor com.mycompany.spring.logging.configuration.InterceptorConfiguration.interceptor) └─────┘ Action: Relying upon circular references is discouraged

ControllerAdvice @InitBinder setDisallowedFields doesn’t work

A JAVA project has been built with spring boot version 2.5.3. Due to the “Spring4shell” (CVE-2022-22965) security risk, we have to take mitigation actions. It’s not possible to upgrade the Spring Boot version since several other dependencies are incompatible with the latest Spring Boot version. So, it has been decided to apply a suggested workaround according to According to

Use Kakfa connection to dynamically Subscribe/Unsubscribe the Kafka Topics using Spring Boot

I’m developing a SpringBoot application which exposes the APIs to sub/unsub the Kafka topics. All we need to do is to pass the topic-name in the API call and the application will subscribe to it and consume messages. Subscribe topic API : Unsubscribe topic API : Dependency I have created KafkaConsumerConfiguration in which stated some beans (as follows). and I

Spring @Valid Message Not Coming Through in Response

I have a CQRS Rest API using Spring and Axon. Validation is setup for inputs using the javax.validation library. The validation is working properly, and catching that the ‘username’ needs to be at least 2 character long. However the message associated with the failed validation is not showing up in the response to the Post request. The response is ultimately
