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Tag: spring-boot

Unable to set Command Line profile in spring boot 2.2

Unable to run spring boot maven project with spring-profiles. I’ve tried the following commands which all return the same error mvn spring-boot:run mvn spring-boot:run mvn spring-boot:run I’m using SpringBoot 2.2.5 and Maven 3.6.3 on Java 11 Edit: Adding Full Debug Logging from suggested command mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments=”” -X I am getting practically the same logs with every

The increment size of the sequence is set to [50] in the entity mapping while the associated database sequence increment size is [1]

I’m following the Learn Spring 5 etc on udemy and I’m at the part where we test our application. Everything worked fine till now, i was able to connect to the postgreSQL database and all but now I’m stuck at this test failing since 2 days. I don’t understand what is causing the Test to fail. The application run but

Assigning name to a object

I am looking for a way to assign/set a filename to a object. The object does not have a function available to do this. The getFileName method in my case returns a null. I do not want to create a multipartfile from the Resource object since my Open API spec does not accept it. Answer I achieved it like

Deploy WAR to Tomcat (Spring Boot + Angular)

I am trying to deploy the Spring Boot Application with WAR packaging to Tomcat 10. The application gets deployed successfully, however, when I try to access the endpoints it results in 404 Not Found. WAR File: application.war Tomcat webapps/application folder consists of following and index.html (Angular) have <base href=”/”> As discussed here, I have added a class AppServletInitializer which extends

Spring boot with log4j2. Configure log4j2 Spring-lookup

According to log4j2 documentation: The Spring Boot Lookup retrieves the values of Spring properties from the Spring configuration. This Lookup will return null values until Spring Boot initializes application logging. This Lookup requires log4j-spring-cloud-config-client be included in the application. What is the proper way to configure such a lookup? I tried to assemble the following application: build.gradle main application.yml log4j-spring.xml

EnableConfigServer cannot be resolved to a type

I want to connect my spring cloud config server by adding @EnableConfigServer but getting error that EnableConfigServer cannot be resolved to a type. Already check the, name, git repository path and i also already try to clean the project still gettin same error.I cant view localhost:8888/limits-service/default.Please help me This my pom.xml Answer You can try, as in here, to

Could not handle mustUnderstand headers: {}Security. Returning fault

I went through links like: SOAPFaultException “MustUnderstand headers (oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd) are not understood”, but still struggling. I’m using Spring Boot v2.2.2..RELEASE and SOAP project. I am loading two different WSDL file into my project. One URL Generates to http://localhost:8080/employee/employee-soap which works fine. But http://localhost:8080/student/student-soap this gives below error. 2020-02-17 15:31:00.241 WARN 20236 — [nio-8080-exec-5] o.s.w.soap.server.SoapMessageDispatcher : Could not handle mustUnderstand headers:
