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Tag: selenium

Handle/Accept cookie pop-up in Selenium

I am trying to ‘accept the cookies’ on the homepage, but my code doesn’t work. I tried to get the new window handles and then identify the subsequent Xpath for the frame and Accept button but it never work. Answer You no need to switch frame in your case, because there is no frame present in your page. Just inspect

My Chrome version is Version 84.0.4147.105 but available ChromeDriver version is Version 84.0.4147.30 causing an error to launch chrome using Selenium

My chrome version is Version 84.0.4147.105 but available chrome version is Version 84.0.4147.30 its causing an error to launch chrome through selenium what should i do apart from downgrading the chrome version . Answer The latest stable ChromeDriver is ChromeDriver 84.0.4147.30. This version of ChromeDriver is well tested for all the minor versions of google-chrome Version 84.x.y.z. Conclusion Irespective of

Selenium Edge WebDriver (Chromium) – session not created: No matching capabilities found

I’m trying to run a Selenium test with Java and Edge driver (based on Chromium). The version of my Edge Dev installed on Windows 10 is 83.0.478.37 (Official build dev 64-bit): Selenium Version : 3.141.59 I’m using webdrivermanager setup for this and used the example provided here. I tried many options it includes without using webdriver manager but still gives

Is it a bug in Selenium documentation?

Here is the snippet from the new Selenium doc on Waits: When I paste this code, it gives me an error on the Duration: The constructor WebDriverWait(WebDriver, Duration) is undefined It still works with the following syntax: Is it the documentation bug? Answer As I wrote in the original question, the code above still works. I guess, as @Fenio assumed,
