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Tag: python

Jython error when trying to import a Python library

I have a simple python script that I want to call, the script has a demo pandas DataFrame which I want to return to my Java code. The error that it is throwing I know the error is being thrown when trying to import pandas but I don’t know why. Answer Jython does not work properly with pandas also for

Is there a way to typecast interface using Jpype?

I am trying to call Java code from Python using Jpype and trying to implement Interface using JProxy for callbacks. It is giving me error that “TypeError: Cannot create Java interface instances” If i try to cast it e.g. But if i pass it directly It gives error that no method found as my method is expecting PuCallback while i

trying to convert Java RSA-PSS signature verification code (with SHA256 hash, SHA1 MGF hash) to Python

Here’s my Java code, which successfully verifies the signature, as expected. The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen at in case you want to try to reproduce the issue. My Python code, which does not verify the signature, as expected: The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen

How to use ElasticSearch JSON DSL in Java?

I’m working on a springboot project and having some trouble with ElasticSearch. The user will put some JSON-format elasticsearch DSL query strings in the database and they are black-box to me. What I need to do is get the query strings and use them so search information in elasticsearch. In python, the DSL can be a parameter like this: How
