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Tag: python

How to resolve (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mongodb.spark.sql.DefaultSource.DefaultSource) in pyspark i’m using pycharm

With Pycharm I’m getting this error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mongodb.spark.sql.DefaultSource.DefaultSource How can I resolve this issue? I tried: I also tried setting the classpath of the jars also .bash_profile: I had many jars in my_jars but still didn’t get it to work. I keep getting the same error. Answer Provide comma separated jarfiles instead of directory path in spark.jars Alternatively you can

Kivy on Android, JVM exception occurred: Attempt to invoke virtual method … on a null object reference

We’re trying to access the Android camera in the Kivy app we’re building. We first opted to use plyer but we were getting a ClipData.Item.getUri() error. We ended up trying to follow the details described here: Now there seems to be a problem in getting the URI for a file. We have added this in AndroidManifest.tmpl.xml: and this in

Chaquopy in Android Studio module not found

I have implemented Chaquopy into my Android app to make use of pre-trained Neural Network models in python. Trying to call the python code, I am encountering; “com.chaquo.python.PyException: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘DataLoader’ I am unsure if I have wrongly implemented the file structure for Chaquopy or if there is another reason it cannot import the DataLoader module. is

Passing parameters from Java to Python using Jython

I am passing string values to a python script using Jython. In my program, I do this several times. However, during a test I am running to see if the class that sends the parameters is working properly, I see that the python script outputs the same string values as the initial inputs. Here is the Java class: Also, below

How to get a jar file from nexus using Jenkins?

I have a Jenkins job which contains 3 parameters: ARTIFACT_ID, GROUP_ID, and APP_VERSION. I would like to use those 3 params to download any specific jar file from Nexus. Note that the Nexus URL is provided in the Jenkins config, so it will automatically know from where to lookup. Do you have an idea how to do that!! For example,

Call and receive output from Python script in Java?

What’s the easiest way to execute a Python script from Java, and receive the output of that script? I’ve looked for different libraries like Jepp or Jython, but most appear out of date. Another problem with the libraries is that I need to be able to easily include a library with the source code (though I don’t need to source
