I need to define some additional properties to be used in maven plugin configurations (pom.xml). Is this possible in a programmatic way using Java code? The exec:java goal seems to run code directly inside the maven process. Is there any way to exploit this? I need the project basedir property with forward slashes such that I can use it in
Tag: pom.xml
Maven error Cannot access defaults field of Properties
I use the newest version of Java -> 16. When I run mvn clean, I am getting Could not initialize class org.apache.maven.plugin.war.util.WebappStructureSerializer error. I read that adding maven-war-plugin can be a solution, but it didn’t work for me. When I run mvn install, the following error occurs: Error injecting constructor, java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: Cannot access defaults field of Properties at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.(Unknown Source)
How do I force Maven to use external repos to retrieve artifacts?
I got following error while trying to build the project. The project is spring project and use IntelliJ with java 8. Is there a way to fix it through setting.xml? I have not access to any configuration on http://maven:8081/nexus/content/groups/public This is my setting. Answer If you set then you send every request to this repository, regardless of the rest of
How to fix No processor claimed any of these annotations: org.apache.avro.specific.AvroGenerated?
I’m having this error: No processor claimed any of these annotations: org.apache.avro.specific.AvroGenerated How I got the error: I was trying to implement an Avro serialize and deserialize. So, I generated an Avro Class out of .avsc file using an sbt-avro plugin. The generated Avro Class has an annotation above @org.apache.avro.specific.AvroGenerated. I tried commenting it out, it didn’t solve the issue,
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings warning
I’ve seen in other questions that usually the solution to this warning is to exclude slf4j from the dependency that causes this conflict, but I can’t spot the problem in my project. I run mvn dependency:tree command and this is the output: Answer You can solve the issue by adding the following exclusion in the dependencies (of pom.xml) that caused
Maven Package Command Failure
I am new with maven and package command for my project is failing but I have not been able to figure out what the error is from the generated log. Below is the output of the mvn clean package -X This is pom.xml Also, I am using jenv to toggle between different java versions, since I have another project that
Github Java Maven Actions continuous integration POM is referencing itself
I’m having this problem with Github Actions (continues integration) where the project i made in maven doesn’t succeed because the POM is referencing itself. However i have no idea how to fix this. I have 4 modules in my project. Pac – Parent, uses client,server,shared,UI Client – uses shared Server – uses client, shared Shared – uses nothing UI –
Get version number of a dependency from pom.xml using command line and use that version number to tag a docker image
I have a pom file. I want to read the version of the first dependency in the dependencies tag and use that version to tag our docker image. I am using this command to get the project version. mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.parent.version:1 -q -DforceStdout I want to get the version of the first dependency using command line , and from there
Unable to reload Maven project: Cannot reconnect. java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot reconnect
i got a new Mac Book and installed IntellJ, as soon as I try to import (new Project from existing source) a maven project i get the error “Unable to reload Maven project”. To make it simpler, i just created a new simple maven project via start.spring.io to make sure I dont have any fancy dependencies. I also tried to
Location variables in the pom.xml file do not work on Ubuntu
I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 and Eclipse Oxygem March 2018. I have a project on a ntfs partition. My pom.xml is in this directory: /media/gustavo/Novo volume/GIT/sistemas/Comuns/commons/pom.xml I am using the variable ${basedir} (I also tested the ${project.basedir} variable) to find this location. These variables should contain the following directory: /media/gustavo/Novo volume/GIT/sistemas/Comuns/commons/ (It works in Windows 10) But, on Ubuntu 18.04, it