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Tag: repository

JPA repository Boolean Query – return null pointer exception

I have Java springBoot project With repository that included boolean custom query. but the system run to null pointer exception apart from return “false”. this is the query: I called the method: and this is the error: Answer Your query is designed to return whatever entity (called CustomersVsCoupons from now on) is mapped to the table customer_vs_coupons, not a Boolean.

Merging multiple LiveData sources?

To make it easier to visualize my problem I drew the following: I am using a RoomDatabase, a Repository, a Viewmodel and Livedata. Areas have a 1 to n relationship with Gateways and Gateways a 1 to n relationship with Items. I created both an AreaWithGateways entity and a GatewayWithItems entity. Items can move from a gateway to another, which

Maven Command Line Args in the settings.xml

Good afternoon, I’m trying to find out whether there is a possibility to outsource Command Line Args in the Settings.xml. I can’t use the MAVEN_OPTS Env-Var and the .mavenrc file, but i need the Settings in every project. It is important that no plugins are used which are not included after the installation (the settings are needed for a connection

Repository Pattern with Repository Factory

I’m trying to improve my Android persistence layer to be used across multiple applications. What i have done so far is to setup a base repository abstract class and also a base repository interface, the complete code can be check here: Interface: Now all my repositories extends my base repository, like this: What i’m trying to achieve now is

Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized

I checked out my code from the Nexus repository repository. I changed the password for my account and set it correctly inside my settings.xml file. While executing mvn install clean I get the error saying Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized when it tries to download files from that repository. Any idea how to solve this error? I am using Windows 7 with
