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Tag: nexus

How to create APT hosted repository using Nexus OSS API

I am creating nexus repositories using nexus API, but I don’t know how to post multiline field in json. The API to create hosted repository needs GPG key and GPG key has multiline. Help me please. Thank you very much. Answer This was an embarrassing question. When replace “linebreak(n)”, I didn’t consider the operating system. I hope others don’t make

405 Method Not Allowed when deploying artifact to Nexus

I am deploying an artifact to a Nexus snapshot repository that allows redeployment, using the maven command: but I have this error: Answer I have never seen a mvn deploy:deploy-file to a nexus/repo/browse URL: browse should not be used for deploying files, only for… browsing them. A typical call would be (Replace repos-snapshots by the name you gave to the

Nexus & Maven Corporate Pom – What should it contain?

We are currently evaluating to establish an internal company nexus repository for our java development. Unfortunately there are still some questions unanswered, but maybe you can help. A parent pom for all projects inside the company seems to be best practice. What is not clear is what this pom should contain, besides the <organization>section. Is it best practice to also

Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized

I checked out my code from the Nexus repository repository. I changed the password for my account and set it correctly inside my settings.xml file. While executing mvn install clean I get the error saying Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized when it tries to download files from that repository. Any idea how to solve this error? I am using Windows 7 with

How does Archiva compare to Nexus?

There are a few similar questions already, but most are either focused on Nexus vs. Artifactory, or are a few years old. I wanted to get a sense of where the two project stand these days. My impression is that Nexus is the best regarded repository manager, but I do tend to (slightly) prefer purely Free projects (hey, a little
