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Tag: oracle

gradle executable jar can’t include local jar dependencies

SOLVED WaitingDatabase.connect( (Sorry for bad english.) I have to connect my oracle database, so I downloaded oracle jdbc driver and added in my dependencies. It connected well when I run at intellij, so I built executable jar file with gradle. However, it couldn’t connect to my oracle database. I think it was built without oracle jdbc driver file, because it

how to configue a dbeaver proxy connection to a private maven repository

I am using an internal maven/artifactory repository on my network. I am trying to intialize an Oracle Connection with DBeaver 7.1.0. (not the eclipse plugin, the standalone program) Each time it initializes, it fails to download the drivers. with the error I’m assuming this is because the proxy is blocking outside access to download files. Knowing the contents of my

CSV file from HDFS to Oracle BLOB using Spark

I’m working on Java app that uses Spark 2.3.1 to load data from Oracle to HDFS and vice versa. I want to create CSV file in HDFS and then load it to Oracle (12.2) BLOB. The code.. I’m new to Spark.. so any ideas please how to convert JavaRDD to BufferedInputStream, or get rid of mess above and put Dataset

ORA-00905: missing keyword in case statement

I am getting ORA-00905: missing keyword in case statement in my when clause. Below is the query. Answer You can’t have a boolean value as a selectable something in a query in oracle, you can only make boolean expressions in e.g. the WHERE/ON clauses etc i.e. this is invalid: This is valid: You could later compare these values to something

Oracle 19c compatibility with jdk7

I would like to know if oracle 19c is compatible with jdk 7. I have found out 2 drivers for oracle 19c ojdbc8 : for jdk8, jdk9 and jdk11 ojdbc10 : for jdk10 and jdk11 I would like to know if there is a way to have oracle 19c with a jdk7, and if yes what is the driver that

Can’t connect to Oracle 19.3 with 19.3 JDBC driver

We have a project running with an Oracle 19.3 database, and a Java application using the Oracle 19.3 JDBC driver (which is available on Maven Central). On Windows with JRE 1.8, everything is fine, but when I run either on our build server or in WSL Ubuntu with OpenJDK 11.0.3 it refuses to connect to the database. Specifically: If I

JPA and 1000 ID use in Oracle IN Operator

I use NamedNativeQuery for delete rows, and it’s somthing like this: But How i can use more that 1000 userIds with IN Operator at Oracle where clues? P.S: I’m looking for a solution to handle it in one commit; Answer Working around the IN limit is inefficient and JPA is not always the right tool for the job. Consider the

Java Entities Dates fields and Oracle TIMESTAMP data types

In my entities classes I use to define the temporal fields as follows: In my oracle DB the columns mapped by those fields are of type TIMESTAMP. What are the implications of this configurations: Are my dates implicitily UTC dates ? Does it mean I have to be careful on handling by myself Daylight saving time issues ? Answer The
