I am trying to create a sample Spring-Boot project using maven but when i imported into Eclipse. I am getting an error in Pom.xml about spring-boot parent but when i run mvn command from terminal. It works fine. Also, in main class, it does not recognize org.springframework.* I am getting an error which says that My Pom.xml looks like this
Tag: maven
how to configue a dbeaver proxy connection to a private maven repository
I am using an internal maven/artifactory repository on my network. I am trying to intialize an Oracle Connection with DBeaver 7.1.0. (not the eclipse plugin, the standalone program) Each time it initializes, it fails to download the drivers. with the error I’m assuming this is because the proxy is blocking outside access to download files. Knowing the contents of my
Unable to reload Maven project: Cannot reconnect. java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot reconnect
i got a new Mac Book and installed IntellJ, as soon as I try to import (new Project from existing source) a maven project i get the error “Unable to reload Maven project”. To make it simpler, i just created a new simple maven project via start.spring.io to make sure I dont have any fancy dependencies. I also tried to
What are the minimum requirements for Spring JPA
I am trying to setup a simple Spring JPA connection with Docker-Compose. This is my docker-compose.yml: My pom.xml looks like this: I’m used to see Spring trying to connect to a database before starting anything. I set up some temporary Repositories to make sure it had some Entities to work with. The logging looks like this: What do I need
Kafka consumer showing numbers in unreadable format
I am trying out the kafka streaming. I am reading messages from one topic and doing groupByKey and then doing the count of groups. But the problem is that the messages count is coming as unreadable “boxes”. If I run the console consumer these are coming as empty strings This is the WordCount code I wrote This is the output
Location variables in the pom.xml file do not work on Ubuntu
I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 and Eclipse Oxygem March 2018. I have a project on a ntfs partition. My pom.xml is in this directory: /media/gustavo/Novo volume/GIT/sistemas/Comuns/commons/pom.xml I am using the variable ${basedir} (I also tested the ${project.basedir} variable) to find this location. These variables should contain the following directory: /media/gustavo/Novo volume/GIT/sistemas/Comuns/commons/ (It works in Windows 10) But, on Ubuntu 18.04, it
Add Framework Support missing in Intellij
I am trying to add an external library using Maven. Tutorials mention to right click on a module, and select “add framework support.” I have looked in detail, and I cannot find that option in my IntelliJ. Here is my current version of IntelliJ Any insight would be appreciated, as I have been stuck on this for a while. Answer
“Unable to load Maven meta-data” error from ForgeGradle on Mac OSX?
I am attempting to set up Eclipse and Minecraft Forge with Gradle on Mac OS X so I can try my hand at modding. Whenever I run either of the following commands, Gradle returns the same error: Error: I’ve found a number of issues on the web that seem similar to this, namely this one, but I don’t really understand
How to associate artefacts under one business version in Nexus when every module has specific version?
It is probably not a good practise in this case, because the problem would be solved by unifying the versions of all artefacts, but I am interested in a possible solution for this case. I have one git repository: artefact -> 1.0.0 second git repository: artefact -> 1.3.0 third git repository: artefact -> 2.0.0 These artefacts go into nexus release
In a Maven repository entry in the POM, are snapshots enabled by default?
A Maven POM may define a “repository”. For example, What if I don’t declare <snapshots> or <releases>? What are the defaults? They seem optional… According to How does a Maven repository work? <releases> is enabled by default on all repositories. I assume <snapshots> is disabled by default? So is the above snippet redundant? Answer TL;DR: Yes, snapshots are enabled by