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Tag: logging

logging in interface methods

I have been working on java 7 so far and recently moved to java-8, one thing which was surprising is that you can add methods in java-8 interfaces. So far so good….loved this new stuff! Now, my problem is that logging is an essential part of any development but seems lombok.extern.slf4j won’t let you add log stuffs in by interface

How to disable PDFBox warn logging

I have a simple java console application. pdfbox is utilized to extract text from PDF files. But there is continuous info printed in console: I really want to remove this information from the console. And I use logback for logging, the logback.xml is just like: I have find some answer say that should change the Level. I have changed the

When not to use AsyncAppender in logback by default

Logback supports using an async appender with the class ch.qos.Logback.classic.AsyncAppender and according to the documentation, this will reduce the logging overhead on the application. So, why not just make it the default out of the box. What usecases are better served by using a sync appender. One problem I can see with the Async appender is that the log messages

How to change log level only for current thread with Logback

In Logback, the log level of a logger can be changed with setLevel() method. But in Logback, because the loggers are singleton, the call of setLevel() method will affect to all other threads that use same logger. Now I have a class used in a web application like this: And in Spring ApplicationConfig.xml: I want to log call of insertRecord

Logging not showing

I am using JUL in my application. Normally, Netbeans opens an output tab that reads “Tomcat” and shows the logs I produce. It was working fine. But suddenly, I realise that my logs are not shown at all, only the System.out get printed. Not even the higuest LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, “….. I suspect it can be a library I included, which is

Spring boot – Cannot turn off logging

I am trying to turn off the console output in STS for a spring boot application using the file. Setting the value logging.level.root does seem to have some effect but I can never turn it off completely and nor can I turn off the auto configuration report output. The banner does get turned off by the property spring.main.banner-mode. For

How to pretty print a complex Java object (e.g. with fields that are collections of objects)? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 5 years ago. The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 4 months ago and left it

How to log time taken by Rest web service in Spring Boot?

I am writing a web Rest web service using Spring Boot. I want to log time taken by my webservice to process request. Also I want to log headers,method and URI called. I have done similar in my jersey web service few months back using ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerResponseFilter filter() method. Also, AOP is Better or Filter? Answer Have you tried
