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Tag: logging

Subclassing java.util.logging.Formatter doesn’t work

I am using java.util.logging for logging (I don’t want to use log4j or anything else). This is my complete private This is the code in my program: Since this gives each log message on 2 lines, I tried this How do I get java logging output to appear on a single line? Copied the LogFormatter class in the first

Tool to extract java stack traces from log files [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question Is there any tool that can extract a list of stack

How to change root logging level programmatically for logback

I have the following logback.xml file: Now, upon the occurrence of a specific event, I want to programmatically change the level of the root logger from debug to error. I can’t use variable substitution, it is mandatory that I do this within the code. How can it be done ? Thanks. Answer Try this: Note that you can also tell

log4j vs. System.out.println – logger advantages?

I’m using log4j for the first time in a project. A fellow programmer told me that using System.out.println is considered a bad style and that log4j is something like standard for logging matters nowadays. We do lots of JUnit testing – System.out stuff turns out to be harder to test. Therefore I began utilizing log4j for a Console controller class,
