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Tag: list

2D Array where each element is a List

I’m trying to write a program where I have a 2D array, stored_variables[][], where each element of stored_variables is a list rather than a normal element. I know how to make a 2D array of lists, but not how to do this. Answer You just create your 2D array, and put another array inside each field. So basically you end

How to sum elements of List

I want to sum the possibilities (of some characters) in the context of Shannon-Fano Algorithm. Example input/output Given poss as a List of Strings filled with possibilities. For example the possibilities are as follows: and the sum must be 1 (after adding all the possibilities). What I already tried Following code is what I tried. But the problem is that

Sort A List of an Object with other object’s method

In the bellow code, with such classes, how can I sort an ArrayList of Students by the score the got from Courses List? I mean how can I sort a List of a specific class by an attribute of this class which is a child of another class. Answer Your “Student” class is confusing. Based on the name, it sounds

Remove Alternate Elements from ArrayList in java 7

I have an array of String containing below elements Now what I want to do I need to remove all the decimal value in string format like 5.0,5.5 and 6.0 so my final array should contain elements 99,100,101 so what I’d done so far is show in below code I have hardcoded the values which is quite bad practice as

How to get list of months between two dates in Java

I am trying to get a list of months (actually the first days of those months) between two dates in Java but I am not getting the expected results. The start date is “3/17/2020”, the end date “3/17/2021” and the expected result is as follows: Here below is the code I am using: With the above code I am getting
