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Tag: keycloak

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to resolve the Configuration with the provided Issuer

I’m trying to make a working demo using Spring Boot as a Resource Server and Keycloak as an Authorization Server. Here is project code snippets: pom.xml I’m running Keycloak on the port 8083. Get request to the http://localhost:8083/realms/realm_1/.well-known/openid-configuration returns the following response: To get an access token, I send a post request to the http://localhost:8083/realms/realm_1/protocol/openid-connect/token with password

create keycloak endpoint to provide custom authentication

I am trying to extend keycloak by creating a new endpoint to authenticate users. The point is, user is not stored in keycloak, the user is stored in an external system. The external system will call the new endpoint and provide token (will contains user info), clientId, and clientSecret. and (somehow) we will verify the existence of the user. The

How to mock the Keycloak framework methods using Mockito in java

I’m the having functionality to fetch the following details from KeyCloak. User details Realm details Client details I want to write the test cases for those functionalities using Mockito. below is code logic for fetching those details. I want to mock the KeyCloak methods in my test cases for example I want to mock somethig like below I don’t know

How to customize sso(single sign on) by keycloak?

sorry for my poor english… I ‘ll do my best to write question. Basically, keycloak provide loginPage where login form has a some name and value parameter determined by keycloak (forexample session_code, excustion, client_id, tab_id). this way is Server side randering(SSR). However, I want to login process with keycloak in API way. In this case, it’s not possible to use

Keycloak public vs confidental client

I have a frontend and backend application (angular + spring boot). The frontend is served as static web content, then it sends the REST calls to the backend API on the same port. Keycloak with OpenID protocol is used for users authentication and role management. Upon an request which requires authentication, the browser is redirected to Keycloak, user gives username

Automated test for OIDC Login

I have build an OpenID Connect Login for my java application (without spring). Now I want to have an automated test for the OIDC process. I am using KeyCloak as auth-server. For OIDC my test has to login on the keyloak login page by passing the username and password. For this I am using HtmlUnit and a simple http-server for

Is there a way to configure the storageProviderTimeout in Keycloak?

I have developed an implementation of the User Storage SPI that calls an API in a legacy system to migrate users. I need to configure my own value for storageProviderTimeout as there is a remote chance that it will take longer than the default 3 seconds to get a response. I have already configured the socket-timeout-millis to be more than Connection refused on Docker + Keycloak

I’m new to Docker and I’m having a hard time connecting Keycloak to my local MySQL database. Does anyone have a hint of what’s going on? This is my Dockerfile: The error log shows: Steps already taken: Disabled Firewall; Added bind-address: to my my.cnf file; root@% already has all privileges; Tries setting DB_ADDR and DB_VENDOR in all possible configurations;
