I have a problem about sending any request to a defined service through api gateway with the usage of bearer token coming from login. After login, I tried to send a request to a defined service but I got this issue in JWTAuthenticationFilter of api gateway shown below. The exact location is in JWTUtils class with this line shown below.
Tag: jwt
Custom Exceptions for JWT authentication don’t work JAVa
I implemented in my API Rest JWT authentication, but the exceptions that I created don’t work. This is what I expect: This is what I get: This is my CustomException Class This is what I have in my globalExceptionHandler And finally this is what I have in the method validateToken in JwtTokenProvider: public boolean validateToken(String token){ I really appreciate if
Why do I get a “io.jsonwebtoken.ExpiredJwtException”?
I have a problem with my Spring Security JWT Application. I am getting an error because my JWT is expired, but I can’t find, where it gets the 2022-04-12 as an expiration date. I can’t find a single piece of code, which says that the expiration date is the 2022-04-12. After my understanding, it is creating a new token, each
int io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm.getMinKeyLength()’ no such method error while generating a token key for authentication
Hello all I am trying to use JJWT to generate a security token for authenticating users. But getting this error. Here is my pom.xml file: Here is my method to generate a token if needed How to solve this problem? I tryed before to changed version of jjwt to 0.11.2 but got a build eror it couldn’t find a jar
Why this API is forbidden for an user having a JWT token containing the “correct” authority?
I am not so into Spring Security and JWT token and I have the following doubt on a project which I am working on. Basically I have this SecurityConfiguration class containing my Spring Security configuration, as you can see it is intended to handle JWT token: As you can see in the previous code I have the following two matcher
In nimbus-jose-jwt, what is difference between lifespan and refreshTime?
The class DefaultJWKSetCache of nimbus-jose-jwt has two fields, lifespan and refreshTime. From Java docs – lifespan – The lifespan of the cached JWK set before it expires, negative means no expiration. refreshTime – The time after which the cached JWK set is marked for refresh, negative if not specified. Should be shorter or equal to the lifespan. What is the
Extend Micronaut CustomJWTClaimsSetGenerator to provide all attributes
I have the following two classes which provide the JWT authentication mechanisem. CustomDelegatingAuthenticationProvider CustomJWTClaimsSetGenerator The default response to the client looks like this: My question. How can I extend the class to return all user attributes? Besides username I want to have the user id. UPDATE HDS user class which gathers the DB id Answer To extend the returned data
quarkus and jwt token, application.properties var don’t work
I have a quarkus project I try to secure some of my endpoints with a Jwt token. So far, it don’t work. everything is still accessible. my application.properties: it worth notting that the lines are in gray in my IDE ( Intellij), and my IDE say they are not used nor by my project nor it’s dependency. Speaking of dependency,
antMatchers() is not working , and gives forbidden error
I have an end-point called authenticate , this endpoint is given to antMatchers(“/authenticate”) to skip authorization for this end-point, but it still checks for the authentication. code: Answer I have an update regarding the issue. In my case, I had a problem with a function singWith() that was deprecated, the request of /authenticate was passing the antMatchers() filter but was
Quarkus JWT Returning Unauthorized on deployment
I have a Quarkus project that expose some REST Endpoints. When working on dev mode or running from the local build docker container all work fine, those endpoints annotated with @RolesAllowed and @PermitAll work as supposed to be. But when I deploy to a AWS service with the following steps: Commit to Gitlab Run Gitlab CICD Send result with the