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Tag: jvm

docker stats shows zero memory usage even for running containers

I have two containers ran by Docker Swarm: Host OS is Debian Jessie. There are JVM applications in both containers. Why does docker stats show zero memory usage? Should I configure my Java apps somehow to be able to see memory usage in docker stats? Is there some other way to check memory usage? Answer It is quite possible that

What is the `it` in Kotlin lambda body?

For example in these two following codes: and In this code what does it mean? Answer it variable is an implicit parameter in lambda. One other helpful convention is that if a function literal has only one parameter, its declaration may be omitted (along with the ->), and its name will be it:

Understanding safe access of JNI arguments

I’m doing some research regarding how HotSpot performs garbage-collection and/or heap-compaction while JNI code is running. It appears to be common knowledge that objects could be moved at any time in Java. I’m trying to understand, definitively if JNI is subject to effects garbage-collection. There exist a number of JNI functions to explicitly prevent garbage-collection; such as GetPrimitiveArrayCritical. It makes

Java Invalid maximum heap size

I just installed Ubuntu 64Bit on my VServer and JRE build 1.7.0_67-b01. If I want to run a java jar-file it says Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. java -help says java version “1.7.0_67” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_67-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server

How do I set JVM options for GradleWorkerMain?

When I set GRADLE_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS, these are set for GradleWrapperMain when I run ./gradlew build for my project. But I need them to be set for GradleWorkerMain as well. How do I do that? Here’s the ps listing when that Gradle job is running in Bamboo. My JAVA_OPTS (such as -Dcool.opt=1) is missing from GradleWorkerMain. Answer There is no
