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Tag: jvm

Will an application made in JDK 14 run on a machine that has Java version 8 installed?

My question stems from this… when you google “download java” the first result is this: This prompts you to install java 8. If I’m creating an application using JDK 14, can I expect that application to run on a clients computer that has installed java from the link above (Java 8)? Additionally, what is that link installing that’s different

Can JVM bytecode running on the GraalVM be instrumented by a custom `TruffleInstrument`?

I would like to write a Truffle instrument which can instrument Java programs (or at least JVM bytecode programs) when they are run on GraalVM. I have been investigating different ways to perform fine-grained instrumentation of Java programs to support a runtime verification project. To me, manipulating Truffle AST nodes sounds much more attractive than the more traditional Java instrumentation

Why is SerialGC chosen over G1GC?

I am running Java on very similar VMs and I can’t find the explanation why the SerialGC is chosen over G1GC in one case. It’s the same Java version, same OS, same VM instance type on AWS, and I suspect the only difference is container settings but I do not know how to pinpoint what changes. Is there a way

Kafka Best Practices + how to set recommended setting for JVM

A recommended setting for JVM looks like following my question is – How do I set the above Java options for Kafka? I know for sure that we can set but not sure if we can append the whole line to KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS variable reference – Answer you can check, here you can see what env variables kafka uses

Resilience4j circuit-breaker ring bit buffer size configuration

I’m looking to implement resilience4j circuit breaking library into a web application. My application talks to two services and each service receives anywhere between 20 and 150 requests per second depending on the time of day. Resilience4j provides you with the ability to define a config for each circuit breaker which lets you configure the thresholds and ring buffer size.
