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Tag: jvm

Java Flight Recorder – Continuous rolling recording

Question How to get a rolling recording into disk, with a maximum age? Context When something goes bad in my server, I want to be able to dump the profiling information of the hours prior and analyse it, to know what went wrong. As I don’t know when things will go bad, the JDK should be continuously saving the events

How does java guarateee reserved memory

Checking for memory usage by stack using this command: I can see that reserved memory is different from committed. Reserved is about 1MB (default for stack). Committed in fact is physical reserved. I read that java save memory for stack while is not totally used. Running command like top I can see just committed usage. What does java/SO do in

I don’t understand this opcode in JVM Implementation

I am writing a JVM. I was implementing all opcodes one by one, until I faced dup2. The oracle instruction set says Duplicate the top one or two values on the operand stack and push the duplicated value or values back onto the operand stack in the original order How am I supposed to choose which operation to perform?

Where is the super reference in a Java instance method’s stack frame?

I read Bill Venner’s excellent Inside the Java Virtual Machine book, which, in Chapter 5 explores in detail, among other things, the composition of a JVM’s stack frame. (This chapter from the book also happens to be officially published here: Apart from this book I studied relatively much the runtime data areas of some JVM’s, especially their stack and

Make a Java class visible from any ClassLoader

I’m using a Java Agent (Agent.class) to transform a method in a program (Program.class) in a way that includes a call to the Agent class. I’ve inspected the class loaders and their parents of both Agent and Program classes, and their hierarchy looks like this: Agent.class: AppClassLoader <- PlatformClassLoader <- null Program.class: URLClassLoader <- PlatformClassLoader <- null When the Program
