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Tag: jfr

Java Flight Recorder – Continuous rolling recording

Question How to get a rolling recording into disk, with a maximum age? Context When something goes bad in my server, I want to be able to dump the profiling information of the hours prior and analyse it, to know what went wrong. As I don’t know when things will go bad, the JDK should be continuously saving the events

JFR: OutOfMemoryError while reading .jfr file

I’m trying to analyze a large Flight Recorder file (1.5 GB) that I created previously. When executing the jfr print command, the tool runs into an OutOfMemoryError: Is there a way to increase the heap size (-Xmx) for the jfr tool itself? I haven’t found a corresponding option in the documentation. Any help is appreciated 🙂 Answer As suggested by

Java Flight Recorder comprehensive list of VM options for OpenJDK 8 & OpenJDK 11

Is there a way to get a comprehensive list of VM options for Java Flight Recorder (JFR). I am particularly interested in OpenJdk 8 & OpenJdk 11 so far I find this list quite usefull also java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version Is there any resource that would provide list of options available for JFR? Answer I think the most comprehensive
