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Tag: jms

Spring JMS(ActiveMQ) delayed delivery of messages

We’re trying to set a delay on some JMS messages, so that a message will only be added to the queue/ received by the listener after x time. So far we’ve tried 2 approaches that didn’t work. 1) According to the spring documentation, we can set the delivery delay on the JMSTemplate. This is the sample code we tried: However,

JMS AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE when is it acknowledged?

I have tried to google this, but have not been successful. If I am using AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, and I have a consumer client written in Java, when is the message acknowledged? I am using a MessageListener which contains an onMessage method. Is the acknowledgement sent back to the server before onMessage or after onMessage completes or at some other point? Thanks

When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel?

As a seasoned Spring user I was assuming that Spring Integration would make the most sense in a recent project requiring some (JMS) messaging capabilities (more details). After some days working with Spring Integration it still feels like a lot of configuration overhead given the amount of channels you have to configure to bring some request-response (listening on different JMS

Architect desperately wants to use SOAP over JMS

I have used JMS in the past to build application and it works great. Now I work with Architects that would love to use the Spec : SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0. This spec seams overly complicated. I do not see many implementation (Beside the vendors pushing for the spec). Does anyone here is using this specification in a
