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Tag: jdbc

How to read database view metadata

I’m trying to use Java and Spring to read the table structure for a MySQL database. The code I’ve got (based on other answers on this site) is: If I call this code with the name of any of my database tables, it works perfectly. However, when I pass the name of any of my database views, I get the

Callable Statement – PostgreSQL – Multiple Out Parameters

We have a stored procedure in a PostgreSQL DB that takes multiple input and multiple out parameters. The procedure call from the PG Admin client works fine when we do the following, call proc1(input1, input2, output1, output2) However, if we try to make this call through a JDBC CallableStatement, we get the below error, The PostgreSQL driver is “org.postgresql.Driver” The

Clickhouse jdbc driver connection issue

We are trying to connect to a clickhouse server using jdbc drivers. Our code snippet is in scala and would not be much different in java We get the following error : We went through a few other pages mentioning the same error and in keeping with the advice there, we used the latest version of the driver (0.3.1-patch). We

Compability JDBC driver versions and PostgreSQL versions

Can anyone point me on where to find an exact documenation which postgreSQL database version requires which JDBC driver version? In the case at hand I want to know: What is the minimum required JDBC version in a Java server application connecting to a database of version PostgreSQL 11.13? Unfortunately the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver website is not really precise on

Select all employees sorted by last name in ascending order

How can I implement SQL query in order to select all employees sorted by last name in ascending order in the following Java class: Answer If there is a separate column for last name then it is very much easy to achieve. If there is only one column i.e. full name , then split the string from the last white
