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Tag: jax-ws

Connecting to webservice results in The server sent HTTP status code 200: OK

I made a wsdl using sun-jaxws. I created a web service client in Netbeans, and successfully called the wsdl web service. Then I configured my nginx server to access the web service by https. When I call the service over https I get the following error: The server sent HTTP status code 200: OK My wsdl is available by

jax ws getting client ip

I’m trying to retrieve the client IP with JAX-WS, I used: I get a NullPointerException in req, mc is not null. My question is which JAR to use for HttpServletRequest because I’m using a Java stand-alone application? Thanks Answer How to get the webservice client address for a jax-ws service depends on whether you are: Running your webservice as a

Getting raw XML response from Java web service client

I am trying to get the raw XML response from a web service, instead of the usual set of POJOs. I am using a webservice client that I generated (so I have access to the client’s code) from a WSDL and some schemas. The client is generated in RAD 7.5, I think using JAX-WS. I’ve been looking at the client

Best way to consume RPC/encoded webservice?

I need to consume old-school RPC/encoded WSDL webservice for my backend. At first I tried to use Apache CXF and JAX-WS for that, but JAX-WS wsimport tool doesn’t eat rpc/enoded WSDL. [ERROR] rpc/encoded wsdls are not supported in JAXWS 2.0. I’m also in doubt about using JAX-RPC for this job, because it’s way out-dated. Axis 1.4 is 5 years old
