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Tag: java

Formula recalculation in excel template POI JAVA

I have an Excel template file with formulas in some cells, I open it and fill in the values using POI. The problem is that the formulas aren’t automatically recalculated. But if I open this file and click on a cell with a value, it recalculates that cell. I found two ways to solve this issue in the documentation, but

React native ANDROID build fails with error in varargs mismatch; ApplicationPackage cannot be converted to Package

I was using depcheck to uninstall unused modules from my project. I following three packages along with a few others that i installed during development. expo-status-bar expo-updates expo-splash-screen however after doing so, i encountered few errors during build, and thus i reinstalled these packages. but now I’m facing this error. I am sure that expo-application is installed Here is the

Pass String array to Oracle query using jOOQ

I’m using the jOOQ code generator to call an query from an Oracle package. One of the parameters of the query is a String array. The first issue, is that the code generator used Object as the type of the parameter. The generated documentation tells me to use an explicit Binding, but doesn’t say how or where. I assume I

Showing a specific JSON response for my GET endpoint

I have a many-to-many relationship between Department and Employee I have already done a mapping for the GET endpoint which returns a list of departments that contain Employees, this is the request: http://localhost:8080/api/departments/1/employees, and this is the response I get: This is the code that gets the job done: Department Repository Imp Employee Service Impl Department Controller Now what I

Can’t create an image file in Java

What I need to do is I have a input image file and I need to change it as user’s parameters. For example if user wants to make it %30 darker, first I get all pixels with their RGB values and store them in an 2D array. Sample array given below. After that I overwrite that RGB values (in our

Spring boot No property found for type

I have MemberSchedule Entity and I want to get all items sorted by “start_time”, but error occurs with message No property start found for type Member Schedule!. I think the reason is didn’t recognize _ string. Because using other property like “content” works well. How can I solve this problem? error log Answer Adding my comment as an answer:

Java Swing – Show multiple panels

I’m using the Java Swing UI Designer in IntelliJ 🙁 I designed something in the designer using multiple panels and spacers with 1 parent panel. When I add the main panel, the first one inside it shows, but the others don’t. Frame structure: Panel1 GradientPanel Panel Spacers What I designed What I get Answer First you need to know that

Why can’t server and client be started together?

Relevant code: Why can’t the server and client be started together in the @Test? I think it gets stuck in the infinite while loop but at the same time, shouldn’t there be context switching with the new threads started after accepting the connection? I expected at least the name of the 2 new threads to be printed but it doesn’t

ElasticSearch how to aggregation the “copy_to” field

I need to group by 9 fileds and get the count for each group in ElasticSearch, the orignal code use the “Script” and the performance is bad so i need to optimize it. I managed to create a new field and use “copy_to”, but when I aggregate with the new filed i found some problem. I use the ‘srcIp’ and
