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Tag: java

How to save an image using JFileChooser

Background info: I’ve made a program that uploads an image using JFileChooser and have made fill in the space of the JFrame. My Question: I’ve attempted implementing my method on a save button and so far I can pull up the JFileChooser but it will not actually save the image. So how would I go about saving the same image

Understanding how to model UML Class/Database

I’m confused with designing a client software with database integration to what should be a member variable of the class or just a query to the database. Let me be specific with a trivial example: If I have, lets say, a Student class, which has a list of “friends” that are Student objects. Should my software design have an ArrayList<Student>

Android NavigationDrawer and Toolbar in all fragments, plus TabLayout into one

I would like to create an Android app that uses a navigation drawer which loads different fragments, all of which include a toolbar/appbar and one that also has a TabView with ViewPager2, something like this: So I started a new Java project with Android Studio and chose the Navigation Drawer Activity template that creates 3 different fragments. This is my

Fix OWLOntologyStorageException

I’m developing a Java application using owl-api. For testing I want to use a TestDataProvider to provide test data for unit-testing. I’m using version 5.0.0 because the tutorial I read is using this version too. I plan to update later. But I run in following exception at the last line of addOWLIndividualToOWLOntology() I already read that I have to retrieve
