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Tag: uml

Understanding how to model UML Class/Database

I’m confused with designing a client software with database integration to what should be a member variable of the class or just a query to the database. Let me be specific with a trivial example: If I have, lets say, a Student class, which has a list of “friends” that are Student objects. Should my software design have an ArrayList<Student>

How to represent bi-directional associations in UML?

After reading the question “In UML class diagram can composition be bidirectional?”, I’m wondering how concrete examples of bi-directional shared/composite aggregation will look on a UML diagram. Specifically, I’m interested how arrow-heads and multiplicity are used to distinguish between the following cases: 1) Uni-directional shared aggregation (aggregation) 2) Bi-directional shared aggregation (aggregation) 3) Uni-directional composite aggregation (composition) 4) Bi-directional composite

Instant reverse dependencies between classes in visual paradigm

I would like to reverse dependencies between my java classes using visual paradigm. Is there any way to do it ? Or any other UML modeling tool that could achieve that ? Answer First you do not want to ‘reverse’ the dependencies from sources but to have them produced in addition during/after the reverse, I mean a dependency is not

Using Inheritance like this is right?

I’m student learning Inheritance in Java. I’m making a program (Bitcoin Mining Game). In the program, there are different kind of digger (Mining Machine): ordinary digger (this only does digging coin), overclock digger (this can dig and can overclock to dig faster) and durability recover digger (this can dig, overclock and recover durability (every digger has durability, durability drops while
