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Tag: java

Block images from particular domain in GeckoView android

How can i block image loading from specific domain in GeckoView? I tried searching equitant method like setLoadsImagesAutomatically from webview in GeckoView but no luck. I found few links like this and this. Can we block image loading by injecting javaScript in GeckoView? Answer You can register a system WebExtension using installBuiltIn that uses webRequest.onBeforeRequest to block loading images from

Regex match all text after dash

I try to get all text after hyphen (dash). For example, if I have a text like this: I need to get text. I tried this: But it matches all text after dash with that dash and I need to get just text. Answer You can remove all text before the first occurrence of a hyphen and the hyphen(s) right

How to iterate through ArrayList values of HashMap?

A question from a total newbie. Sorry. I have this customersOrders HashMap that takes String as keys and ArrayList<Double> as values. I need to find the total sum of orders for each customer and the maximum total sum in order to find the biggest customer. How do I manage to do that using just nested For loops and HashMap methods?

Mongo Replicaset monitoring replaces hostnames with IP and leads to failed hostname verification

we have a problem with the mongo java driver and the monitoring thread. We are running a 3 server replicaset and connect our spring boot microservices by using the hostnames. mongodb://<username>:<password>@A:27017,B:27017,C:27017/?tls=true Up until now we always used the non-reactive mongo driver and everything is working fine. However I now wanted to use the reactive/netty version and we’re getting a

Need to add certificate from txt file in runtime

Client has given 2 certificates in ‘.txt’ format and I need to add these certificates during runtime while invoking the SOAP service. Unable to add ‘.txt’ format files as i am getting like ‘Invalid Format’. Certificates have “—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–” and “—–END CERTIFICATE—–” headers at the top and bottom of the txt file, so it’s PEM type file (I assume). Any

How to run consumer @StreamListener only after ApplicationReadyEvent method completed?

I have a consumer method with And I have a method with an event listener Is it possible to configure @StreamListener to start listening only after @EventListener method is completed? Answer According to Spring Cloud Stream docs you could use property<bindingName>.consumer.autoStartup=false which will stop BindingService from starting automatically starting consumer binding. Then you can do it yourself whenever you
