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Tag: java-11

How to downgrade JDK?

Currently my Java version is 17. Neo4j requires me to install Java 11 or OpenJDK 11, or else it will give the error java.lang.IllegalAccessException: module java.base does not open java.nio to unnamed module @1817d444. I guess I need to downgrade to JDK 11. Java Platform, Standard Edition 11 Reference Implementations is the only place I can get JDK 11. However

Combining / merging object members in a list

I got a list of objects from class A in a list. Some of these objects are equal in id and name but not in list <B> , and list b is ALWAYS different. I need to merge these so that my list is only made out of object a’s with same name and id exists and all the b

Minor question about Segmented Code Cache (

I see that this JEP ( introduced 3 types of code caches. The most obvious one to me is -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize. This is the one that deals with JVM internal data. What I do not understand is what is the difference between NonProfiledCodeHeapSize and ProfiledCodeHeapSize. That document says that: Tiered compilation also introduces a new compiled code type: instrumented compiled code

Java SDK 11.0 or above is required when using .NET 6 or higher

I’ve installed .NET 6 (version 6.0.100-rc.1.21458.32) and Visual Studio 2020 Preview (although it might be not a prerequisite). I am trying to debug a hello-world application but I am getting a build error regarding Java. I’ve installed Java 17 setting Path as well as pointing to the Java Development Kit Location in Visual Studio settings (tools->options->Xamarin->Android Settings). Because that didn’t

JDK11 getFreeSpace and getTotalSpace from File is not matching df

I am seeing df -h giving output like below But if I do the same from java like below It is printing like below Can someone let me know why is this discrepancy in disk utilization? Environment Ubuntu 18.04 Java – Zulu OpenJDK 11.0.11 Answer As I also mentioned in the comments, the primary reason is that getFreeSpace seems to

How to print List of String array array using lambda in Java [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question This is my code: How to print the List that contains String array
