I have code on MainBacking.java like this : I made FacesContextProvider class too and here is my FacesContextProvider.java And here is my test.java When I run the test i got error null on MainBacking.java:11 Please help me. Thank You. Answer Thank You for all response, I’ve solved my problem by reading this article. I didn’t know whats wrong when I’m
Tag: jakarta-ee
Wildfly Undertow: jakarta.servlets.Servlet does not implement javax.servlet.Servlet
I am trying to migrate some Servlets from javax libraries to jakarta. Changes are pretty straightforward but, when I try to run them on Wildfly 23, I get this error message: Servlet JAX-WS-Service of type class com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServlet does not implement javax.servlet.Servlet This happens for this servlet (used for JAXWS, but that’s not the point) but also with my own servlets,
upgrade servlet 4.0.1 to servlet 5.0
I am upgrading servlet 4.0.1 to servlet 5.0. I was using below maven dependency for servlet 4.0.1 When I am upgrading to servlet 5.0 then I see that There is a new term ‘Jakarta’ and servlet5 comes with Jakarta API with below maven dependency. So, there are below questions I tried to search on the internet but couldn’t find Please
Jetty 11 Doesn’t Detect Jakarta Servlets
This is a follow up to this question. I don’t think it’s a duplicate because the accepted answer indicates that Jetty 11 doesn’t work with javax servlets, but I’m asking why Jetty 11 doesn’t work with jakarta servlets. I have an example project here that uses Jetty 9 to deploy a local server, including a javax servlet that uses the
Error when adding java agent in VM arguments while using OpenJPA
I found solution for my problem with OpenJPA here: Using TomEE and open JPA, i get the following error: SEVERE: JAVA AGENT NOT INSTALLED, but adding VM parameter as in question answer or documentation https://tomee.apache.org/javaagent.html, in project’s run configuration, results in this error, after trying to run: Project is JavaEE in Eclipse IDE, using Maven build tool and TomEE as
POIXMLException when updating excel file with apache-poi
When I try overwrite existing excel file, I get this error message: By the way, there is no problem if I try write a new excel file.So Its working correctly but I can’t update existing file. What am I doing wrong? There is my code: Answer Multiple issues in your code. If you are creating an OPCPackage or a XSSFWorkbook
EAP 7.3 JPA+Hibernate REST Serialization of Bidirectional ManyToOne relationship (NOT SPRING)
I come from a Payara/EclipseLink background where this just works out of the box. My contract requires me to use EAP which does not support EclipseLink.persistance and I always prefer the “provided” over adding libraries. I am creating a very simple REST microservice with very simple relationships for my objects. However, when I try to access an object, I am
Using Vaadin Flow with Jakarta EE 9
I see that Apache Tomcat 10 (alpha) is now available. The major feature there is support for Jakarta EE 9 where package names for APIs have changed from javax.* to jakarta.*. Jakarta EE 9 now has a milestone release available. Can the current versions of Vaadin Flow (14 or 16) be made to work with the new Jakarta 9 and
Package accessible from more than one module:
When trying to register an MBean in JMX Console I’m getting the following error message: I’m using Eclipse and I have no module-info.java file in my project structure. The error disappear when I comment my dependency for Java EE API, but the javax.management package is not part of the JAR. Answer
Reading output after Linux cmd execution is going to infinite loop
I am executing a cmd from jsch , once command is completed I need to show the command output. while reading the command output its taking long time and its ns not coming from the while loop even after execution of command. The following is my code: Answer I have added the exit command at the end of the command.