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Tag: openjpa

Tables not generated using Derby and OpenJPA

Tables are not generated in database even when i set attribute javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action to create and connection string javax.persistence.jdbc.url to jdbc:derby:db;create=true persistence.xml: my testing method: As you can see, I also tried to override properties by supplying them to createEntityManagerFactory method. My EntityPerson class: Also tried excplicitly define Table name and Entity name with annotations: How to generate tables in db

Error when adding java agent in VM arguments while using OpenJPA

I found solution for my problem with OpenJPA here: Using TomEE and open JPA, i get the following error: SEVERE: JAVA AGENT NOT INSTALLED, but adding VM parameter as in question answer or documentation, in project’s run configuration, results in this error, after trying to run: Project is JavaEE in Eclipse IDE, using Maven build tool and TomEE as
