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Tag: initialization

Variable might be assigned in loop?

I don’t know why the code is not compiling when final variable is initialized in loop and loop iterate only one time? Is Loop is somehow running more than one time and multiple assignments is done to variable x? Answer The compiler does not care how many times the code in the loop will be executed at run time. To

How to autowire properties bean from Condition

Does have anyone way to autowire bean in Condition? There is an next example. We have 2 implementation of FileManager. One of implementation should be initialize in depends on property ‘platform’. Properties handles via Archaius. . . . This code doesn’t work. Main reason is because ArchaiusProperties bean doesn’t initialized when condition matches. Does have anyone way to initialize ArchaiusProperties

How to use DispatcherListener in Struts 2

There is a interface DispatcherListener in Struts2. The docs says “A interface to tag those that want to execute code on the init and destroy of a Dispatcher.” But how to use this interface. If I create a class that implements this interface, how should I configure it to Struts2? Answer When a Dispatcher is instantiated, it could send to

How is a constructor executed?

I am making some revisions from the lecture slides and it says a constructor is executed in the following way: If the constructor starts with this, recursively execute the indicated constructor, then go to step 4. Invoke the explicitly or implicitly indicated superclass constructor (unless this class is java.lang.Object). Initialise the fields of the object in the order in which
