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Tag: google-cloud-platform

Issue with Spark Big Query Connector with Java

Getting Below issue with the Spark Big Query connector in Dataproc cluster with below configuraton. Image: 1.5.21-debian10 Spark Version: 2.4.7 Scala Version: 2.12.10 This is working fine from local but failing when I deploy this in dataproc cluster.Can someone suggest some pointers for this issue? pom.xml: Here is the sample Code: Answer Can you please replace the Spark BigQuery connector

Google Cloud Java SDK with Workload Identity?

Trying to figure out how to authenticate with the storage API from within a GKE cluster. Code: getApplicationDefault() is documented to use these means to authenticate with the API: Credentials file pointed to by the {@code GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} environment variable Credentials provided by the Google Cloud SDK {@code gcloud auth application-default login} command Google App Engine built-in credentials Google Cloud Shell

Unable to collect data from metric query language MQL – GCP

I want to execute MQL (metric query language) using below library. Here is my code snippet. which will create monitoring client and will try to collect data from GCP monitoring. Above code is working fine but its not returning data of given startTime and endTime , It always returns latest datapoint available. is there any problem with my code ?

How to trigger Cloud Dataflow pipeline job from Cloud Function in Java?

I have a requirement to trigger the Cloud Dataflow pipeline from Cloud Functions. But the Cloud function must be written in Java. So the Trigger for Cloud Function is Google Cloud Storage’s Finalise/Create Event, i.e., when a file is uploaded in a GCS bucket, the Cloud Function must trigger the Cloud dataflow. When I create a dataflow pipeline (batch) and

Setting GCP environment variable in Spring boot with vs code

I’m trying to set up GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS but keep getting this error The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credential I have defined in my application properties: Added the dependency in the pom file: Tried to do
