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Tag: file

Difference from running application in IntellJ and running JAR file

I came across a situation when i would run application in intellJ and everything runs smoothly , then i would create a jar using maven install command and try running it manually from command line, the results are the following : Command Line Questions: What is the difference between running Jar and running App in IntelliJ Why would it complain

How to solve infinite readLine while

I have a program and one of the methods I use is for counting the lines a .txt file has and return an integer value. The problem is when I execute it, despite I wrote if my line is == null the while has to stop, the while loop keeps going, ignoring the nulls it gets infinitely. I don’t know

Prevent and Detect Deletion of an Open File

My Java program opens a file and slowly writes to the file. When the operation is completed, the program closes the file and moves the file to its final resting place in another directory. The problem is that as the operation is running, another thread in the same Java program deletes the file. Windows will not allow the deletion of

How to solve the java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException?

I have a file called “result.csv”, from that file i want to read certain data and display them. I have that file in my eclipse project folder itself. Still i’m unable to read the file. OUTPUT: Can anyone point where exactly i missed? and how can i overcome this or any alternate methods for this method? Answer The problem is

What is the `it` in Kotlin lambda body?

For example in these two following codes: and In this code what does it mean? Answer it variable is an implicit parameter in lambda. One other helpful convention is that if a function literal has only one parameter, its declaration may be omitted (along with the ->), and its name will be it:

Open a file’s properties window using Java

This is a question only regarding Java in Windows. I need a method that will call this window: So essentially the method should be something like: So the statement: opernProperties(new File(test.txt)); should open the above window. So just to clarify, I do not want to read and manage the properties. I just want to open the properties window. Answer I
